T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
İSTANBUL / FATİH - Vefa Lisesi

Traditional Days




The event refers to one of the most important events happening in Vefa High School. Because it is a kind of proof that means you really start being a part of Vefa High School as its students. It is always organized one month after the school starts. Every student wears a suit having the symbol of Vefa on itself and they have their ties. 

 Students begin rehearsing one week before the badge ceremony and they see what they are going to be feeling like. While rehearsing, there is no one watching them except their teachers but even that is so exciting. They have fun while rehearsing and someone takes photos and videos of them. They learn the march hymned by students studying in Vefa High School, which is called "Vefa March". 

 Here comes the day, students have their suits on themselves. They have the last rehearsal. Then parents come and the ceremony starts. The literature teacher comes and starts his/her speech by welcoming everyone and introducing the ceremony. Then, the teacher invites people for one minute's silence and to hymn Turkish National Anthem. 

 After hymning, the teacher tells about the march of our school and invites the students to hymn. The director of the school comes and makes his speech. One of the 12th graders and the youngest student of the school also have their speeches.

 As it is known, schools having the preparatory year aim at making students learn the language in the best way they can. So teachers have the biggest role for students. Thus, the president of English department comes and makes his speech. Then, the literature teacher invites two graduates of the school to make their speeches.

 A student comes and makes prep graders take the oath called "Vefalılık Andı". After that, they watch a video of prep graders rehearsing. Finally, it is the time for students to wear badges. Every class comes with their teachers and they wear the badges. The ceremony finishes with that. 

 As it was said, the badge ceremony is one of the most important events because it helps them to feel that they become a part of this school (just like being a part of the family) and it makes parents prouder. This is a kind of tradition that also helps prep graders communicate with others. It is a privilege to study at Vefa!



 Turkish Boza is a smoothie like fermented drink that is mainly based on bulgur and yeast. It has a sweet and tangy flavour that everyone finds addictive!

 Boza Day is held first Sunday of May every year.

It has a great importance as it is a means of meeting for all the graduates of Vefa. On that day, new and old graduates come together, share their experiences at Vefa. They commemorate the old days and their teachers. It is importance lies in creating a bound among the young generation and the old. It is a way of continuity of the tradition of 150 years. This gives the school another perspective rather than being just a school. It is the place where people share the history. 

During the 'Boza Day' of course free Boza is served in the front garden of the school. Music is sang and so is the 'Vefa March'. People have fun seeing old friend, classmates and teachers. 



Kemal Sunal is a famous actor and a graduate of Vefa who passed away 14 years ago. He is loved by all generations and his movies are still watched. 

To commemorate him, we have a week's facilities at school. 

It is a week in which famous actors and actresses are invited to our school, activities are held, awards are given to people who are chosen to be the bests of the year.

This year 14th of Kemal Sunal Culture and Art Week is going to be organized at the end of April. 



Held on the second week of April every week, Spring Tea is an another traditional day in Vefa. It is organized with a different theme every year. Last year's theme was 80s. There are different activities on that day. Students organize almost everything about the day. They choose the music according to the theme, organize food and drinks, find sponsors to help them supply the food and drinks. It is again a day when the graduates also come together with the new generation. 



The first of the Sport Fest was held two years ago and this year it is going to be the third of it. 

A committee organizes everything about the  Sport Fest. Within it, many famous sport people are invited to our school. It is a one week activity and will for sure be one of the most important traditional days soon. 



 It is held the following week after the education year ends up and organised by the School Board and the School Family Association. The day of the ceremony is determined by the School Board. The graduates of that year, their parents and the representatives of the Vefa Foundations take part in this ceremony. The principal of the school, the vice principal of the senior classes, the representatives of the foundations talk about their feelings. The first three degree graduates are rewarded by the foundations. Then the first degree student of the school places the class plaque on the school log and hands over the school colors to the first degree student of the high school 2 classes. After all the graduates throw up their caps, a cocktail is given to the graduates and the guests by the School Family Association.

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Yayın: 15.03.2019 - Güncelleme: 19.10.2023 15:51 - Görüntülenme: 1183
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